Thursday, June 16, 2016

Escaped Crab!!!!

Escaped crab!! During the night, our crab escaped from our tank and disappeared from our classroom. He was located at 11:18 am on the ramp outside our classroom.  He was covered with dust and perhaps a little tired from his journey. He is now safely returned to our tank. I have added some weighted trays to the top of the tank!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Free Family Theater Production!!! The Month of June


TITO frog prince poste2Our Spring Pantomime!
Edward Speck and Josh Shack are at it again, planning another silly, surprising, loud and engaging Spring panto, free to all. Prepare for puns, princesses, passion and improbable plots at another spring Panto!
This year a sad princess discovers the power of laughter when the circus rolls into town, led by a rather handsome amphibian!
Dates: Saturdays and Sundays, June 4-26
Time: 2pm
Admission: Free to all!
Location: Maudslay State Park (map and directions), Newburyport, MA 01950 Follow the Theater in the Open flags from the Maudslay parking lot. Allow ten minutes to stroll to the site and $5 for parking ($6 for out of state vehicles). For further information call 978-465-2572.

A Great Summer Outing

Ellen Goethel, the marine biologist, has a small museum on the coast of New Hampshire. It is a great day trip!

This Weekend- Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

Let’s Go Outside!
Saturday, June 18th, 10:00 am 3:00 pm
Mark your calendars! This is the second year for our new, FREE and very cool event for the whole family. Spend all or part of a day outside at the refuge while trying out a whole bunch of fun, healthy activities including archery target shooting, kayaking, surf fishing, nature photography, and bird watching. There will also be a variety of nature-based crafts and activities for younger kids. While event “activity stations” will be located both at the visitor center and on the national wildlife refuge, we recommend that you begin your event experience at the visitor center. Complete all activity stations and earn a Junior Refuge Manager badge! Activity stations will run continuously throughout the day. Free shuttle buses will provide transportation to the different venues. This event will take place rain or shine. NO preregistration for this event. 

Ellen Goethel..marine biologist

Today,we had an in-school field trip. Ellen Goethel, a marine biologist, shared her knowledge of New England Tidepool animals and animals of the Gulf of Maine. She has a wonderful program where the children are able to touch and observe a large collection of artifacts. Also, she brings a cold water tank with various creatures including lobsters, sea stars, hermit crabs and sea anemones.